(8 or 5 week course painting watercolor paints + the basics of drawing, 1-8 meetings a week, 2x 60 min., 4-6 people in a
group program is designed for beginner and intermediate)
Want a custom paint landscapes, still life, or portrait? To make room for your passion, you have a lack of time, years of neglect?
Watercolor painting is one of the most impressive, but the most sophisticated techniques of painting and its possibilities which
are in use almost unlimited width. The museums and galleries around the world find the country, still lifes, portraits and figures
generated by this technique. Watercolor is also an ideal means of design and studies images to be later formed as acrylics, oil
paintings, the architecture and decoration of used in the design and display of buildings and interiors. Watercolor is also currently
used for illustrative technique (comics, cartoons, cartoon, manga etc.) whose outcome depends heavily on the skills and readiness
drawer, so course emphasizes the consolidation of the foundations and the level of drawing. Painting with watercolor is not only
exciting and fun, it's also a challenge. With proven leadership and compliance with administrative procedures, a series so captivating
images, pictures, manage to create a complete beginner. Watercolor painting course will provide you with everything you need. The
program is designed for everyone, no age restrictions.
About 8 week course:
- Materials and methods of substrate preparation, selection and use of media, five principles of good composition image to
the essential colors, their way of mixing and application
- Techniques sketch, construction painting, wash techniques, gradation, layering paint (work with 4 types of watercolor
paint-dry, wet, semi-liquid, liquid) Learn about the specifics of painting still life, portrait, figure and landscape.
- Special techniques (for different types of watercolor paper), wet and dry watercolor painting of three primary
colors + black, shading, gradation tones, color modulation, masking, sgraffito effects
- Visual, practical explanations of how to achieve aerial perspective, the atmosphere, the depth of the country, such as
plastic paint effects, sky with clouds, flowers, the sea and the waves, the method of modeling color portrait, figure,
still life, etc.
- Analysis, optical copy, copy and inspiring paraphrase the famous work, The Final Touch pen, pastel + ink (mixed techniques).
Everyone will take home more than 14 paintings, pictures, and study
Price 8 AQUARELL weekly rate is € 99.50 / person Price 5 weekly model is 85 € / person.
(The price includes complete material and equipment: - 3 types of watercolor paints, brushes set, media, graphite, gum, gum arabic,
masking fluid, different types of watercolor paper tape. Works with nepáchnucimi materials are not necessary or protective sleeves).