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(Action for 2 X 60 min, for your business, company, group of friends in the interior (exterior), 5 to 7 member group)

Fun, creative and entertaining workshop "Drawing & Painting" (* designed for your business, company) brings new light to the environment of traditional team events. The original choice of subjects (Background authentic nature sounds, musical notes) is filling his playful experimentation, visualization bold vision, color vision transposition performed various artistic techniques, even without prior knowledge and experience with them. Creative exercises that are performed within the course as a "direct their own creation, suspension part", encourage the concentration of energy, stimulate the mind and body, promote confidence, break down common stereotypes and modes of thinking, learning to confront unfamiliar circumstances with courage. Under the expert guidance ofthe surprising results immediately appear before, and with their alternative character becomes nekritizovateľnými worlds, meaningful units and values. In addition to familiarity with elementary drawing and painting procedures, the team workshop to help improve personal and professional relationships, to enhance the integrity and efficiency of the company if the acquisition of inspiring suggestions for new business through contact with art.

* * Suitable opportunity for visitors outside of Bratislava. Participation, unlike other courses on offer, or at least does not require art tendencies, the only requirement is a shared passion, taste, and would like to try something new.

Topics Team Spirit (choice of):
  • TEAM MONET (water lilies, flowers, expressive landscape, oil painting basic procedures entertaining way, according to the agreement subject, target: two images each, if interested, and large format shared / by agreement)

  • TEAM ABSTRACT (Paths of abstraction, acrylic, tempera - action painting, dripping technique, graffiti abstraction goal: every min. 2 images, but if a large common format / by agreement)

  • TEAM SIMPSONS (expressions of pop art, famous comic fantasy in the form of expressive painting, tempera, acrylic, destination: any 2 images, but if a large common format / by agreement)

  • TEAM GRAFFITI (sketches, creating their own tag, techniques and procedures on paper or directly on improvised wall)

  • TEAM HYBRID(Discovering new crossing over and joining the traditional ideas, oil, acrylic, tempera, pastel, mixed techniky.Cieľ: every 2 images, but if a large common / by agreement)

2 hours of price action for a group of 5-7 persons: subject of agreement

The share price is set included the necessary material and equipment (paper A2, A1, painting boards, našepsované pads, paper, acrylic, tempera and oil paints, pastel, spray, media, latex, graphite, chalk, erasers, ink, brush, spatula , palettes, sponges, where appropriate, protective sleeves, respirator).

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